Spanish supermarket uses Finnish technology to reduce packaging waste


The adoption of automated technologies in the supply chain can help reduce resource wastage and minimize environmental impact. By optimizing storage and distribution processes, packaging waste and transportation times can be reduced, thus contributing to environmental conservation and carbon emissions reduction.

Juan Carlos Suárez Fueyo, Logistics Director at Alimerka (left), with Iván Pravia, Head of Technical Department at Alimerka (right).

Alimerka, a supermarket chain in northern Spain committed to sustainability, has integrated automated solutions from Cimcorp to reduce packaging material usage and enhance distribution efficiency. This approach not only benefits the environment by reducing waste generation but also optimizes the supply chain, making it more agile and efficient.

“When considering the possibility of improving our logistics, especially in the fruit warehouse, we sought suppliers offering proven solutions in our sector,” says Juan Carlos Suárez Fueyo, Logistics Director at Alimerka. “That’s when we came across Cimcorp, a company that had already implemented successful solutions in similar enterprises.”

Commitment to efficiency: automation and optimization
Alimerka’s goal was clear: to automate processes in its warehouses to enable sustainable growth, optimization of production processes, and improvements in ergonomics and occupational safety. Iván Pravia, Head of Technical Department at Alimerka, says: “The basic idea is to be more efficient, and automation is the key to achieving it.”

The partnership with Cimcorp provided Alimerka with a solution that not only met their current needs but also allowed them to grow and adapt to future challenges. “It significantly changed our way of working, moving from nearly 100% manual preparation to highly automated preparation,” says Suárez Fueyo. “This has involved an improvement in the training qualification of staff dedicated to these tasks, as well as specialization and improvement in staff motivation.”

Impact on consumers: transparency and quality
But how do consumers perceive this improvement in logistical efficiency? Pravia points out that while end consumers do not always know the work that goes on behind the scenes, the improvement is reflected in the quality and freshness of the products they find on Alimerka’s shelves. “The end customer is not always aware of what companies do, but when they see fresh and well-organized products, they know they are in a place where quality matters.”

“It has provided us with greater order and uniformity in deliveries, resulting in improvements in the health of both store and warehouse workers, with a reduction in the number of accidents. Ultimately, it means greater productivity, more efficient processes and enhanced ergonomics,” explains Pravia,

The partnership with Cimcorp has contributed to this goal by reducing cardboard usage and improving distribution efficiency, reflecting Alimerka’s commitment to sustainability.

Alimerka continue to work with Cimcorp to improve and find even more innovative solutions. “Automation for Alimerka is key to ensuring that the company remains at the forefront of our sector and can quickly grow and adapt to market needs,” concludes Iván Pravia.

For more information:
Maarit Leppäaho
Tel: +358 10 2772 000

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