Samsung’s new MicroLED TVs cost up to $150K for a 114-inch



Samsung’s pricey luxury TV now comes in three sizes, but it’s unlikely any of them will fit in your house (or your budget).

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blue <a href='' target='_blank' rel='follow'>ocean</a> wallpaper on a tv mounted on modern industrial tile home with ceiling to floor windows and lots of natural light.” src=”×1067/2400×1600/filters:focal(800×534:801×535):format(webp)/” data-nimg=”responsive”></span></p><div class=
a:hover]:text-black [&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-black dark:[&>a:hover]:text-gray-e9 dark:[&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-gray-63 [&>a]:shadow-underline-gray-13 dark:[&>a]:shadow-underline-gray-63″>Samsung’s MicroLED TV has an almost bezel-free design and comes in 89-, 101-, and 114-inch sizes.
a:hover]:text-gray-63 [&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-black dark:[&>a:hover]:text-gray-bd dark:[&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-gray [&>a]:shadow-underline-gray-63 dark:[&>a]:text-gray-bd dark:[&>a]:shadow-underline-gray”>Image: Samsung

Samsung started on a quest to sell massive and massively expensive MicroLED TVs with its modular The Wall design in 2018, and now we have these three options: 89, 101, and 114 inches.

The most “affordable” MicroLED TV offering in the lineup is the $109,999.00 89-inch model, then the 101-inch for $129.999.00, and the biggest one at 114 inches for a whopping $149,999.00. That’s enough to buy a Mercedes-Benz G-Wagen.

Each MicroLED is self-emitting, with no backlight, so it works similarly to OLED but without a similar risk of burn-in while still delivering deep blacks and high contrast. The LEDs are assembled in bezel-less panels so that can also be set up in almost any , as we saw with The Wall displays intended for commercial applications and, for some reason, Dane Cook’s house.

In 2021, Samsung introduced a 110-inch model that looked more like a regular TV with no modular options, which it has continued to iterate on — last year’s lineup even included a 76-inch version.

Aw man, already sold out?

Aw man, already sold out?

a:hover]:text-black [&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-black dark:[&>a:hover]:text-gray-e9 dark:[&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-gray-63 [&>a]:shadow-underline-gray-13 dark:[&>a]:shadow-underline-gray-63″>Aw man, already sold out?
a:hover]:text-gray-63 [&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-black dark:[&>a:hover]:text-gray-bd dark:[&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-gray [&>a]:shadow-underline-gray-63 dark:[&>a]:text-gray-bd dark:[&>a]:shadow-underline-gray”>Image: The Verge

Samsung’s Class MicroLED TVs are listed on Samsung’s online store, but all are currently “out of stock.”

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