Incogni promo codes for July 2024



What is Incogni?

Incogni is a service that automatically removes personal information from online databases to protect privacy against data breaches and scammers.

Is Incogni secure?

Yes, Incogni prioritizes your privacy and uses secure methods to handle your personal information and removal requests. It also follows GDPR, CCPA, and other privacy laws to ensure the safety of your data.

How long does it take for data removal?

The time for data to be removed from databases can vary depending on the data brokers, but Incogni continuously follows up to ensure your information is removed.

Hints and Tips

Newsletter Subscription: Subscribe to the Incogni newsletter to receive updates on the latest promotions, discounts, and news directly to your inbox. This can help you stay informed about any new savings opportunities.

Annual Plans: Opting for a yearly subscription instead of a monthly one can save you money in the long run. Incogni allows you to choose between different subscription periods during checkout.

Seasonal Discounts and Promotions: Check Incogni’s website for seasonal sales and special promotions during times of year, such as Labor Day, Cyber Monday, and Black Friday. These offers can provide significant savings on subscription plans.

Student Discount: Are you a student? You can get 55% off annual plans at Incogni through StudentBeans if you are. To claim your unique promo code, verify via the StudentBeans portal on the Incogni website. 

How to use an Incogni promo code

1. Choose one of our Incogni discount codes and copy it to your clipboard.

2. Choose a plan that suits your needs and it to the basket.

3. Head to the checkout page.

4. When prompted paste your code into the relevant box, usually labeled as ‘discount code’

5. Enjoy your savings!

How we source coupon codes

Whether it’s through our affiliate networks, the depths of the world wide web, or our connections with big name brands, here at TechRadar we use every tool at our disposal to source the latest codes. Our coupons team updates each of our pages multiple times a week with the most recent deals, including exclusive coupons negotiated by our Commercial team. We also include the latest sales info directly from retailers to offer the most up-to-date discounts around.

How we test coupon codes

Each coupon you find on TechRadar has been tested before being uploaded by our dedicated Deals & Offers teams. You’ll see a range of offers, from free shipping to student discounts, with savings available on all kinds of products & services. To make sure every coupon is ready to use, we don’t list any user-specific or one-time codes. 

We also include all relevant information about coupons, such as expiry dates and any terms & conditions, near the ‘Get Code’ button. You can see the details for an individual offer by clicking on the ‘Terms & Conditions’ text below the code and expanding the code area. 

What to do if a coupon code doesn’t work

Although we do our best to ensure all listed codes are tried & tested, sometimes coupons expire or terms & conditions are changed before we can update pages. Our team works hard to make sure our coupons are active and work as intended, and should you encounter an issue when using one, we’ll work just as hard to help.

The best place to start is by checking the requirements. Click “View terms and conditions” to expand the code section and see any guidance on your chosen coupon. For example, you may need to meet a minimum spend, add other items to your basket to qualify for a multibuy offer, or confirm that your chosen code applies to the items in your basket (i.e. 10% off laptops).  

If you’re still having issues using your code, you can email our customer service team on [email protected]. Include as many details as possible – such as which code you used and which coupon page it’s listed on so our team can address your issue as fast as possible. 

How we make money 

When it comes to coupons, TechRadar earns money via a commission-based model. For every brand we have a coupon page for, we’ve negotiated a deal that means we earn a percentage of total basket value in commission back from every order.

Using this model means we can offer our coupons to our customers free of charge. You won’t pay any fees to add your chosen coupon to your basket – you’ll simply pay the final order total once your discount has been applied. 

If you want to find out more about TechRadar’s coupons pages, you can visit our dedicated page on How We Source Coupon Codes and How to Use Them for more information. 

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