Google Trends: Low Keyword Difficulty & High Search Volume


Have you ever wondered what people are searching for on Google? What topics are trending around the world? How can you find the best keywords for your content?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to check out Google Trends. Google Trends is a free tool that lets you analyze the popularity of search queries across different regions, languages, and time periods. You can use it to discover what your audience is interested in, what your competitors are ranking for, and what opportunities you can seize to boost your traffic and conversions.

In this blog post, I will give you an overview of Google Trends, its history, features, benefits, and drawbacks. I will also show you how to use it to find low difficulty and high search volume keywords for your content.

What is Google Trends?

Google Trends is a tool that shows you how often a specific search term is entered into Google’s search engine relative to the total search volume across various regions of the world, and in various languages. It also shows you related queries and topics that are rising or falling in popularity.

You can use Google Trends to:

  • Explore what the world is searching for
  • Compare different search terms and see how their popularity changes over time
  • Find niche keywords that have high demand and low competition
  • Identify seasonal trends and plan your content accordingly
  • Discover regional variations and target specific markets
  • Validate your ideas and test your assumptions
  • Monitor your brand awareness and reputation
  • Track the impact of your marketing campaigns and events
  • Learn from your competitors and industry leaders

Google Trends was launched in May 2006 by the Google News Lab team, which is a group of journalists, researchers, and designers who work on data-driven projects and experiments. Since then, Google Trends has evolved and improved with new features and updates, such as:

  • Real-time data: In 2015, Google Trends started to provide real-time data for the past seven days, allowing users to see what is happening right now in the world of search.
  • Data stories: In 2016, Google Trends introduced data stories, which are curated collections of charts, maps, and insights that highlight interesting trends and phenomena in search behavior.
  • Year in Search: Every year, Google Trends releases a report that summarizes the most popular searches of the year across different categories, such as people, events, movies, music, sports, etc.
  • Trending searches: On the homepage of Google Trends, you can see the trending searches of the day for different countries. You can also subscribe to a daily or weekly email newsletter that delivers the top trending searches to your inbox.
  • Subscriptions: You can also subscribe to specific topics or queries on Google Trends and get email alerts when there are significant changes in their search interest.
  • Embeddable widgets: You can embed Google Trends charts and maps on your own website or blog using HTML code snippets.

Pros and Cons of Google Trends

Like any tool, Google Trends has its strengths and limitations. Here are some of the pros and cons of using Google Trends for keyword research:


  • It’s free: You don’t need to pay anything to use Google Trends. You just need a Google account to access some of the features, such as subscriptions and data stories.
  • It’s easy to use: You don’t need any technical skills or expertise to use Google Trends. You just need to enter a search term or topic and explore the results. You can also customize your queries with various filters and options.
  • It’s comprehensive: You can access data from over 200 countries and regions, 45 languages, and multiple categories and subcategories. You can also compare up to five terms at a time and see how they differ in terms of search interest.
  • It’s insightful: You can gain valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, needs, and intentions. You can also discover new trends, opportunities, and challenges in your niche or industry.
  • It’s visual: You can view the data in different formats, such as line charts, bar charts, maps, tables, etc. You can also download or share the data with others.


  • It’s relative: Google Trends does not show you the absolute number of searches for a term. It shows you a normalized score that represents the search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for a given region and time period. This means that a term with a high score may not necessarily have a high volume of searches. Likewise, a term with a low score may not necessarily have a low volume of searches.
  • It’s not accurate: Google Trends does not provide exact or reliable data. It uses a sample of Google searches to estimate the search interest for a term. This means that the data may be affected by various factors, such as sampling errors, algorithm changes, spam filters, etc. Therefore, you should not rely solely on Google Trends data for making important decisions. You should always cross-check the data with other sources and tools, such as Google Keyword Planner, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, etc.
  • It’s not comprehensive: Google Trends does not cover all the search queries that users enter into Google. It only shows data for popular or trending terms that have a significant amount of search volume over a certain period of time. This means that you may miss out on some long-tail or low-volume keywords that could be relevant for your content.
  • It’s not actionable: Google Trends does not tell you how to use the data for your content strategy. It only shows you what users are searching for, not why they are searching for it, or what they expect to find. You still need to do your own research and analysis to understand the user intent, the search intent, the competition, and the content gap for each keyword.

Free vs. Paid Versions of Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool that anyone can use without any limitations or restrictions. There is no paid version of Google Trends that offers more features or functionality. However, there are some other tools that are similar to Google Trends but have different pricing models and capabilities. Some examples are:

  • Exploding Topics: This is a tool that helps you find trending topics and keywords before they take off. It uses a proprietary algorithm to analyze millions of searches, social media posts, news articles, and other sources to identify the fastest-growing topics in various niches and industries. You can use it to discover new opportunities, generate ideas, and stay ahead of the curve. Exploding Topics has a free version that shows you the top 25 topics per month. It also has a paid version that starts from $25 per month and gives you access to more topics, filters, categories, and insights.
  • BuzzSumo: This is a tool that helps you find the most popular and engaging content on the web for any topic or keyword. It analyzes billions of articles, videos, podcasts, and social media posts to show you what content is getting the most shares, comments, likes, and links. You can use it to research your competitors, find content ideas, identify influencers, and monitor trends. BuzzSumo has a free version that allows you to perform up to 10 searches per day. It also has a paid version that starts from $99 per month and gives you access to more searches, data, features, and integrations.
  • Ahrefs: This is a tool that helps you optimize your website for search engines and increase your organic traffic. It provides various features and metrics, such as keyword research, site audit, rank tracker, backlink analysis, content explorer, etc. You can use it to find high-volume and low-difficulty keywords, analyze your competitors, identify content gaps, monitor your rankings, and measure your performance. Ahrefs has a free version that allows you to perform up to 10 searches per day on their Keyword Generator tool. It also has a paid version that starts from $99 per month and gives you access to more tools, data, features, and integrations.

Accessibility of Google Trends

Google Trends is a globally accessible tool that anyone can use from anywhere in the world. However, there are some factors that may affect the availability and quality of the data for different regions and languages. Some of these factors are:

  • Internet penetration: The level of internet access and usage in a country or region may influence the amount and diversity of search data available on Google Trends. Countries or regions with low internet penetration may have less or incomplete data compared to countries or regions with high internet penetration.
  • Language diversity: The number and variety of languages spoken in a country or region may affect the accuracy and relevance of search data on Google Trends. Countries or regions with high language diversity may have more or different data compared to countries or regions with low language diversity.
  • Cultural differences: The preferences, habits, values, and norms of different cultures may influence the type and frequency of search queries on Google Trends. Countries or regions with different cultures may have different or unique trends compared to countries or regions with similar cultures.
  • Political factors: The policies, regulations, censorship, and propaganda of different governments may affect the availability and quality of search data on Google Trends. Countries or regions with restrictive or oppressive regimes may have less or distorted data compared to countries or regions with free or democratic regimes.

Reliability and Accuracy of Google Trends

Google Trends is a reliable and accurate tool that provides useful insights into search behavior and trends. However, it is not a perfect tool that provides definitive or conclusive data. As mentioned earlier, Google Trends uses a sample of Google searches to estimate the search interest for a term. This means that the data may be subject to various errors and biases that may affect its validity and reliability.

Some of the sources of error and bias in Google Trends data are:

  • Sampling error: This is the difference between the sample data and the population data. Sampling error occurs when the sample is not representative of the population or when the sample size is too small or too large. Sampling

Google Trends is a powerful tool that can help you discover low difficulty and high search volume keywords for your content. In this blog post, I will show you how to use Google Trends to find keywords that can boost your traffic and conversions.

But first, let’s talk about the reliability and accuracy of Google Trends. Google Trends is based on the data from Google Search, which is the most popular search engine in the world. Google Trends shows you how often a keyword is searched relative to the total number of searches in a given time and location. It does not show you the absolute number of searches, but rather the interest level of a keyword.

Google Trends is a reliable tool because it reflects the real behavior of millions of users who use Google Search every day. However, it is not 100% accurate because it does not account for factors such as spelling variations, synonyms, or search intent. Therefore, you should always use Google Trends as a starting point for your keyword research, but not as the only source of information.

According to SimilarWeb, Google Trends has an average of 135 million monthly users worldwide. This shows that Google Trends is a popular and widely used tool among marketers, researchers, journalists, and anyone who wants to understand what people are searching for online.

So, how can you use Google Trends to find low difficulty and high search volume keywords for your content? Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Access Google Trends. Go to and enter your seed keyword in the search box. For example, if you want to write about digital marketing, enter “digital marketing” as your seed keyword.
  2. Explore search interest over time. You will see a graph that shows you how the interest in your keyword has changed over time. You can adjust the time range from the past hour to the past 5 years. You can also compare your keyword with other keywords by adding them in the “Add comparison” box. This will help you see which keywords are more popular and trending than others.
  3. Identify seasonal trends. Some keywords have seasonal variations in their search interest. For example, “Halloween costumes” peaks in October every year, while “taxes” peaks in April in the US. You can use Google Trends to identify these seasonal trends and plan your content accordingly. For example, if you want to write about Halloween costumes, you should publish your content in September or October to catch the peak interest.
  4. Explore regional interest. You can also see how the interest in your keyword varies by location. You can filter by country, state, city, or metro area. This will help you target your content to specific audiences and markets. For example, if you want to write about digital marketing, you might want to focus on regions where digital marketing is more popular and in demand.
  5. Explore related queries. Google Trends also shows you the top and rising related queries for your keyword. These are the queries that people also searched for when they searched for your keyword. The top queries are the most popular ones, while the rising queries are the ones that have grown the most in popularity over a certain period of time. These related queries can give you ideas for subtopics, questions, or angles for your content. For example, if you want to write about digital marketing, some of the related queries are “digital marketing course”, “digital marketing agency”, and “digital marketing strategy”.
  6. Explore topics. Google Trends also shows you the top and rising related topics for your keyword. These are the broader categories that your keyword belongs to or is associated with. The top topics are the most popular ones, while the rising topics are the ones that have grown the most in popularity over a certain period of time. These related topics can give you ideas for broader themes or niches for your content. For example, if you want to write about digital marketing, some of the related topics are “Marketing”, “Social media”, and “Search engine optimization”.
  7. Filter by time range. You can also filter your results by different time ranges, such as past hour, past day, past week, past month, past year, or custom range. This will help you see how the interest in your keyword changes over different periods of time. You can use this feature to find keywords that are evergreen (always relevant), seasonal (relevant at certain times of the year), or trending (relevant at certain moments in time).
  8. Evaluate keyword difficulty. Google Trends does not show you how difficult it is to rank for a keyword on Google Search. However, you can use other tools such as Moz Keyword Explorer or Ahrefs Keywords Explorer to check the keyword difficulty score of your keywords. The keyword difficulty score is a metric that estimates how hard it is to rank on the first page of Google Search for a given keyword based on the competition and authority of the ranking pages. Generally speaking, lower scores mean lower difficulty and higher scores mean higher difficulty.
  9. Compile a list of target keywords. After you have explored Google Trends and evaluated the keyword difficulty, you should have a list of potential keywords for your content. You should prioritize the keywords that have high search volume, low difficulty, and high relevance to your topic and audience. You can use tools such as Google Sheets or Excel to organize your keywords and their metrics.
  10. Integrate keywords into content. Once you have your list of target keywords, you should integrate them into your content in a natural and relevant way. You should use your main keyword in your title, headings, introduction, conclusion, and URL. You should also use your secondary keywords and related queries in your subheadings, body paragraphs, images, and links. You should avoid keyword stuffing, which is the practice of using too many keywords in an unnatural or irrelevant way. Keyword stuffing can harm your ranking and user experience.
  11. Monitor performance. After you have published your content, you should monitor its performance using tools such as Google Analytics or Google Search Console. You should track metrics such as impressions, clicks, click-through rate, bounce rate, dwell time, conversions, and revenue. You should also check your ranking position on Google Search for your target keywords using tools such as Moz Rank Tracker or Ahrefs Rank Tracker.
  12. Adjust strategy. Based on the performance of your content, you should adjust your strategy accordingly. You should identify what works well and what needs improvement. You should also keep an eye on the changes in the search interest and trends of your keywords using Google Trends. You should update your content regularly to keep it fresh and relevant.

I hope this blog post has helped you understand how to use Google Trends to find low difficulty and high search volume keywords for your content. Google Trends is a great tool that can help you create content that attracts and engages your audience. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!

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