Computer: Definition, History, Desktop, Laptop & Tablet


Hello, and welcome to my blog! In this post, I’m going to write an elaborate tutorial on computer, definition, computer history, desktop, laptop, and tablet. If you are interested in learning more about these topics, then you are in the right place!

What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that can process information and perform various tasks. A computer can store, retrieve, manipulate, and communicate data and instructions. A computer can also run programs or applications that allow us to do things like browse the web, play games, write documents, edit photos, and much more.

A computer consists of two main parts: hardware and software. Hardware is the physical components of the computer, such as the keyboard, mouse, monitor, CPU, RAM, hard disk, etc. Software is the set of instructions or code that tells the hardware what to do. Software can be divided into two categories: system software and application software. System software is the software that controls the basic functions of the computer, such as the operating system, drivers, firmware, etc. Application software is the software that performs specific tasks for the user, such as word processors, browsers, games, etc.

Computer history

Computers have a long and fascinating history that spans centuries. The earliest computers were not electronic devices, but mechanical or analog machines that could perform simple calculations or operations. Some examples of these machines are the abacus, the slide rule, the Pascaline, the difference engine, etc.

The first electronic computers were developed in the 1940s and 1950s. These computers used vacuum tubes or transistors to switch electrical signals on and off. They were very large, expensive, and consumed a lot of power. They also had limited memory and speed. Some examples of these computers are the ENIAC, the EDVAC, the UNIVAC, etc.

The second generation of computers emerged in the late 1950s and 1960s. These computers used integrated circuits or microchips to replace vacuum tubes or transistors. They were smaller, faster, cheaper, and more reliable than the first generation computers. They also had more memory and storage capacity. Some examples of these computers are the IBM 1401, the DEC PDP-8, the IBM 360, etc.

The third generation of computers appeared in the late 1960s and 1970s. These computers used microprocessors or CPUs to integrate all the functions of a computer on a single chip. They were even smaller, faster, cheaper, and more powerful than the second generation computers. They also had more features and capabilities. Some examples of these computers are the Intel 4004, the Apple II, the IBM PC, etc.

The fourth generation of computers began in the early 1980s and continues to this day. These computers use very large scale integration (VLSI) or ultra large scale integration (ULSI) to pack millions or billions of transistors on a single chip. They are very small, fast, cheap, and efficient. They also have more functionality and diversity. Some examples of these computers are the Macintosh, the Pentium, the iPhone,
the Raspberry Pi,


A desktop is a type of personal computer that is designed to be used on a desk or a table. A desktop usually consists of a separate monitor,
keyboard, mouse, and system unit (or tower). A desktop can be connected to other devices or peripherals, such as printers, scanners, speakers,
webcams, etc.

A desktop is typically more powerful, upgradeable, and customizable than other types of computers. A desktop can also support multiple monitors,
hard drives, or graphics cards. A desktop is ideal for users who need high performance, storage capacity, or flexibility for their computing needs.


A laptop is a type of personal computer that is designed to be portable and easy to carry around. A laptop usually consists of a single unit that integrates a monitor, keyboard, touchpad, and system components.
A laptop can also have a built-in battery that allows it to run without being plugged into a power source. A laptop can be connected to other devices or peripherals via wireless or wired connections.

A laptop is typically less powerful, upgradeable, and customizable than a desktop. A laptop can also have limited battery life, screen size,
or cooling system. A laptop is ideal for users who need mobility,
convenience, or simplicity for their computing needs.


A tablet is a type of personal computer that is designed to be handheld and touch-based. A tablet usually consists of a single unit that integrates a touch screen, speakers, microphone, and system components.

A tablet can also have a built-in battery that allows it to run without being plugged into a power source. A tablet can be connected to other devices or peripherals via wireless or wired connections.

A tablet is typically less powerful, upgradeable, and customizable than a laptop. A tablet can also have limited storage capacity, keyboard input, or ports. A tablet is ideal for users who need portability, interactivity, or entertainment for their computing needs.


In this post, I have written an elaborate tutorial on computer, definition, computer history, desktop, laptop, and tablet. I hope you have learned something new and useful from this post. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and happy computing!

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