Bringing Human and AI Agents Together for Enhanced Customer Experience


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Softweb Solutions AI Agent

Softweb Solutions AI Agent

Businesses understand that it is important to not only provide good products or services, but also offer great customer experience. Companies often struggle with high volumes of inquiries, inconsistent service quality, and escalating operational costs.

68% of clients that stop doing business with organizations, do so because of poor on-going customer service, not because of dissatisfaction with the product or service.

– The American Management Association Study

What makes a customer happy?

  • Quick turnaround time: Whether it is receiving their products fast or resolving their queries quicker, customer appreciate prompt response.
  • Better quality products: Customers expect that the product or the service they get is well-made and function as intended.
  • Easy query resolution: No business wants a frustrated customer. Keeping them happy by addressing their issues is key to successful and longer customer relationships.
  • Availability of a customer representative: Sometimes, people just want to talk to a real person. Having a helpful representative available shows the customer the company cares.

How can you ensure all these?

The answer is simple: AI agents. By leveraging AI’s ability and scalability alongside human empathy and understanding, businesses can elevate their customer support operations. This ensures seamless, personalized, and efficient customer experience.

What are AI Agents and how do they Transform Customer Support Process?

AI agents are software programs that can learn and act autonomously. They can handle tasks like answering questions, solving problems, and even making decisions, all to achieve specific goals. AI agents can help you address business problems, such as:

Limited Agent Scalability

It is difficult to manage customer queries during peak hours or unexpected surges in inquires. This can lead to increased wait times, making customers frustrated. This in turn, damages brand reputation.

With AI agents in place, you can efficiently handle customer queries by incorporating natural language processing (NLP). AI agents can deflect significant volume from human agents for basic troubleshooting.

Inconsistency and Knowledge Gap

Often, knowledge base (KB) articles are not readily available or updated frequently. This makes maintaining consistent and accurate information across the support team challenging.

AI agents can help in automating KB creation and updates. This ensures that support agents have all the required information handy for faster resolution.

Sentiment Analysis and Proactive Support

It is a tedious task to manually identify customer sentiment within the support tickets. AI agents enable companies to analyze texts for sentiment analysis. By analyzing text for emotional cues, these tools can flag frustrated customers, enabling proactive intervention from human agents and preventing escalation.

Key features of AI Agents

Softweb Solutions AI Agent

Softweb Solutions AI Agent


AI agents operate independently and perform the required tasks with minimal human intervention. They are also capable of adaptive learning. This helps in improving the performance of AI agents over time.

Reactivity and Proactivity

AI agents can respond to changes in the environment in real time, life self-driving car. They can also anticipate future needs and take proactive measures.


AI agents can efficiently collaborate with human agents to offer better customer service and achieve complex objectives.


AI agents use ML models and AI algorithms for various use cases. For example, it can help businesses with predictive maintenance reminders, forecast a customer’s next purchase, and suggest upselling opportunities.

What are the Key Components of AI agents?

AI agent architecture refers to the underlying structure that enables an AI agent to perceive its environment, make decisions, and take actions. Here are the key components:

Perception Module

This module enables AI agents to collect information about environment through sensors like cameras, microphones, APIs, etc.

Learning Module

This module enables the agents to improve their performance by learning through different machine learning (ML) models like reinforcement learning, or supervised learning.

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Module

Agents need to be fed data to draw conclusions and make inferences. With techniques like logic rules, semantic networks, or probabilistic models, agents can gain information about the organization.

Action Selection Module

This module allows the agents to process the information and decide what actions to take. This can involve planning algorithms or decision-making frameworks.

Action Module

This module enables agents to translate the action into real-world commands. In case of a physical robot, it can be controlling motors. In case of software, it can be sending messages.

These components work together in a cycle:

Softweb Solutions AI Agent

Softweb Solutions AI Agent

Some architectures may also include additional components like a communication module for interacting with other agents and a performance monitoring module for tracking the agent’s effectiveness.

How can AI and Human Collaborate to Offer Optimal Customer Support

Implementing a successful AI-human collaboration requires a well-defined approach:

Task Identification and Process Automation

You should consider factors like inquiry frequency, resolution time, and required agent expertise. Pinpoint high-volume, rule-based tasks that you would like to automate.

Selecting the right AI tools

  1. NLP-powered chatbots: Easily integrate chatbots that can understand natural language, answer FAQs, and collect customer data.
  2. ML-powered virtual assistant: Automate tasks like appointment scheduling, ticket routing, and more.
  3. Sentiment analytics tools with text classification capabilities: Classify text sentiments (positive, negative, neutral) and flag frustrated customers.
  4. AI-powered knowledge base management: Automate KB creation, updates, and information retrieval.

Integration and Scalability

Integrate AI tools with existing CRM system and other ticketing tools. Build AI agents with flexible scaling options to accommodate for future demands.

Training and Enablement

Invest in training human agents on AI capabilities, escalation protocols, and effective collaboration practices.

Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

Track key metrics like resolution times, agent workload, and customer satisfaction. Analyze data to identify areas for improvement and refine your human-AI collaboration strategy over time.

Measuring Success and Continuous Improvement: The Power of Human-AI Collaboration in Agent Performance

Defining Success Metrics

Establish clear metrics that align with your AI agent’s objectives. Consider these goals:

  • Efficiency: Reduced resolution times and increased inquiries handled automatically.
  • Accuracy: Improved task completion rates and lower error rates in recommendations or predictions.
  • Customer satisfaction: Higher CSAT scores, positive sentiment analysis in interactions.
  • Cost savings: Reduced operational expenses through automation.
  • Quantitative and qualitative metrics: Measure resolution time along with qualitative insights provided by human agents, such as, customer surveys, and human agent feedback.

Data Collection and Collaborative Monitoring

Agent performance data

  • Input/output logs: Human agents can identify potential areas of improvement.
  • Action logs: Monitor actions taken by agents for collaborative analysis of effectiveness.

User interaction data

  • Clickstream data: Human agents can identify UX issues by analyzing user clicks and navigation.
  • Sentiment analysis: Refine the AI agent’s language processing and response capabilities through human feedback about sentiment analysis.

Evaluation and Analysis

Regular reviews:

  • Analyze collected data and assess agent performance against defined metrics. Human agents can contribute valuable insights during these reviews.

Identifying areas of improvement:

  • Accuracy issues: Analyze errors with human agents to pinpoint weaknesses in AI agent’s knowledge or reasoning capabilities.
  • Inefficiency: Identify bottlenecks in processing or response times.
  • User experience: Use qualitative data and human feedback to understand user pain points and improve the AI agent’s interaction design.

Continuous Improvement and Techniques

  • Model retraining: Retrain the AI model with new data or adjusted algorithm based on the identified issues.
  • Rule-based update: Update the rules with human inputs to address shortcomings and adapt to the changing user demands.
  • Interface refinement: Refine the user interface based on user feedback and collaboration with human agents to improve ease of use and clarity.

Real-World uses of AI Agents

Hilton Hotels

This leading global chain of hotels integrated AI agents to improve guest experience. They deployed AI chatbots to handle basic queries and recommend restaurants to their guests. This allowed the human agents to focus on complex issues that required personalized assistance.

The result:

  • Significant reduction in resolution times
  • Boost in guest satisfaction scores

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach

This real estate company based in Philadelphia has implemented an AI agent to increase lead generation opportunities generated every month. They deployed an AI chatbot named Taylor. It helps in effectively interacting with hundreds of website visitors in real time.

The result:

  • Increase online lead generation by more than 71%
  • Create successful personalized nurturing campaigns with a 40% open rate

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

This oldest global airline uses Dialogflow by Google for their AI agent named Blue Bot (BB). They wanted to provide conversational approach to their flyers. BB enables KLM’s passengers to easily book tickets, offers flying advice, shares weather forecast, and more.

The result:

  • Exceptional booking experiences
  • Faster issue resolution

Leverage the Symbiotic Collaboration of Human and AI Customer Support

By embracing this human-AI partnership and implementing the strategies outlined here, you can transform your support ecosystem. Move beyond simply measuring success – use these insights to propel continuous improvement and unlock the true potential of your AI agents. Invest in the successful collaboration of humans and AI agents; it’s the key to unlocking the true potential of your customer support operations.


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