Aging in Place Demands Proper Investments in Home Safety Measures & Technology


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As the world grapples with an larger aging population, the concept of “aging in place” is gaining unprecedented momentum.

According to a new Redfin survey, over three-quarters of baby boomers (78%) plan to stay in their current homes as they age. This trend is driven by improvements in digital health services as well as financial incentives, including low mortgage rates secured during the pandemic and various state tax benefits, encouraging baby boomers to age in place rather than move.

The significance of planning and preparing homes for the golden years cannot be overstated. The crux of this movement lies not just in home modifications like non-slip floors and grab bars, but also in embracing technology for safety and connectivity, as well as comprehensive services for end-of-life care.

What are some of the most effective strategies and resources for individuals who want to age in place, maintaining independence and quality of life within their own homes as they grow older? Larry Carlson, a 45+ year experienced eldercare administrator and an advisory board member for elder care medtech companies NuAIg and VirtuSense, gives his analysis & strategies for navigating the complexities of aging in place.

“Having a plan for care is crucial. Not only is it beneficial to prepare financially for any future home care needs, it also helps to have a plan for who will be there to provide that care,” Carlson said. “Planning ahead allows a person to make important decisions while they are still able.”

Article written by Daniel Litwin.

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